HTML Font tag

Font tag is use to change the size, color and font face of selected text.

Attributes of Font Tag

👉size = value

Use to change the size of selected text. But you have to remember that the maximum size you can only assign is 10 or maximum is 1.

👉color = any color name

use to change font color or selected text.

👉face = "writing name"

change the font face of selected text. Copy the any font face from any of text editor and use in place of writing name.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> HTML Font Tag </title>
<font size = "10" color = "blue" face = "Latin">
What is font tag? <br> <br>
<font size = "5"color = "red" face = "Impact">
The font tag is used to change the color, size, and style of text. The base font tag is used to set all the text to the same size, color and face.
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